
Dried apricots are rich in potassium and beta carotene – the phytochemical which gives the fruit its orange color. Apricots contain high levels of fiber, which is important for digestive health, and are linked to lower cholesterol.


Part of the mulberry family, Israeli fig trees are native to the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea regions.  Dried figs are an excellent source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They also contain high levels of calcium, making them important for bone health.


Raisins (dried grapes) have been eaten by humans for thousands of years. Produced in regions where grapevines thrive, they are a healthy, nutritious and natural snack. Raisins can be used in baking or cooking, or consumed raw.


These nutritious purple fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, and their consumption is associated with numerous health benefits. Plums are found to protect bone health, help stabilize blood sugar levels, and strengthen heart health.

Banana Chip

Bananas grow on a tropical tree-like plant, which is native to India and Malaysia. Naturally sweet, banana chips are a healthier alternative to sugary products. Banana chips can be used in desserts or other dishes, or eaten raw as a snack.


Cranberries are a fruit which comes from the evergreen bush, native to the swamps of North America. Cranberries prevent bacteria from sticking to cells, making them highly effective at preventing urinary tract infections.


The blueberry bush is commonly found in the forests of North America and East Asia. Blueberries contain high concentrations of antioxidants and other health-boosting properties, making them a common element in nutritional medicine. They are believed to help prevent cognitive decline.


Cherries are small, round, red stone fruits that come from the cherry tree. There are hundreds of varieties of cherries, both sweet and sour. Cherries are linked to a number of health benefits, including relieving symptoms of inflammatory conditions, as well as lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

Naturally-dried Pineapple

Pineapples are tropical fruit, naturally in Vitamins A and C. Indigenous to Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Consumption of pineapples can aid digestion, support iron absorption, and boost the immune system. They also contain antioxidants and folates.

Golden Berries

Golden berries, also known as cape gooseberries, look like golden-orange strawberries. Their delicious sweet and sour taste combination makes them a tasty addition to desserts and salads. They contain high levels of Vitamin A, which is critical for immune function and skin and eye health. 

Low-sugar Ginger

Ginger is widely known for its many unique beneficial qualities, including easing digestive processes and promoting the absorption of vitamins in the body. Its anti-inflammatory qualities relieve joint pain and help alleviate nausea. India is responsible for 30% of global ginger production, making it the leading ginger source in the world.

Natural Mango

Mango trees are a tropical plant, native to the Chinese and Indian tropics. Among its many health-boosting properties, mangos contain Mangiferin, a polyphenol considered to be one of the strongest antioxidants. They are also rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin K.

Natural Papaya

Native to Central America, papayas have a delicately sweet taste. The papaya contains many health-boosting elements, and can be used to treat numerous health conditions. Papayas can help prevent cancer, stabilize blood sugars levels, and help with digestive issues.


Indigenous to southern China, kiwis today are grown in numerous countries, including Israel. Kiwis contain many important nutrients and vitamins, including proteins, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B complex, and niacin. Additionally, they are an excellent source of potassium

Goji Berries (Wolfberries)

Goji berries are a super-food with many health-boosting benefits. Known for their sour flavor and bright coloring, goji berries are an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, fiber, and iron. They are associated with improved eye health and may strengthen the immune system.